Food for Chameleons

The information below showcases the best foods to offer chameleons.  It is critical to purchase your feeders from a well-established breeder or to breed them yourself.  Wild caught insects could potentially be carrying diseases and/or parasites.  These insects could also be exposed to pesticides as well.

Staple feeders (variety is best)


Roaches (dubia is most common)


Black soldier flies:  They start off as larvae.  You can feed them in that form or just wait 7-14 days as they turn into a fly.  Then feed off to your chameleon and watch them go crazy for them.

Blue bottle flies



Hornworms:  Feed one or two farmed hornworms with staple foods. 

Caution:  Hornworms can bite the inside of mouth, and can strain the tongue if too large.

Silkworms: Nutritious and hydrating easily digestible.


Superworms:  Feed in moderation due to high fat content.  Some reports state that feeding super worms can lead to health issues. They are highly addictive, very poor nutrition and have been known to bite leading to injuries.  Only feed once per week.

Waxworms:  Feed in moderations due to high fat content.  Some reports state that feeding waxworms to chameleons can lead to health issues.

Not Recommended

These are all a poor source of nutrition for chameleons.

Butterworms: Have been known to cause adverse reaction.